Benchmarking cuNumeric.jl Programs

Since there is no programatic way to set the hardware configuration (as of 24.11) benchmarking cuNumeric.jl code is a bit tedious. As an introduction, we walk through a benchmark of matrix multiplication (SGEMM). All the code for this benchmark can be found in the cuNumeric.jl/pkg/benchmark directory.

Weak Scaling of SGEMM

In this benchmark we will try to understand the weak scaling behavior of the SGEMM kernel (Float32 MatMul). To get started we need to decide our initial problem size, N and create some arrays. Note depending on the choice of N, Legate may decide to schedule your tasks on the CPU or GPU or both. We will also define two functions, total_flops and total_space which will help us calculate some useful benchmark metrics.

using cuNumeric

N = 10_000

function initialize_cunumeric(N)
    A = cuNumeric.as_type(cuNumeric.rand(NDArray, N,N), LegateType(Float32))
    B = cuNumeric.as_type(cuNumeric.rand(NDArray, N,N), LegateType(Float32))
    C = cuNumeric.zeros(Float32, N, N)
    return A, B, C

function total_flops(N)
    return N * N * ((2*N) - 1)

function total_space(N)
    return 3 * (N^2) * sizeof(Float32)

We cannot use rely on common benchmark tools in Julia like BenchmarkTools.jl or ChairMarks.jl or even the built in Base.@time macro. The asynchronous nature of operations on NDArrays means that function calls will execute almost immediately and program execution must be blocked to properly time a kernel. It is technically possible to time NDArray operations with something like BenchmarkTools.jl by adding a blocking operation (e.g., accessing the result), but the allocations reported by these tools will never be correct and it is safer to use the timing functionality from CuPyNumeric.

The timer built into CuPyNumeric blocks execution until all Legate operations preceding the call that generated the timing object complete. We provide two timing utilities: get_time_microseconds and get_time_nanoseconds.

Now we can write the benchmark code. There are two more parameters we need to set: the number of samples, n_samples, and the number of warm-up samples, n_warnup. With all this the benchmark loop is:

using LinearAlgebra 

function gemm_cunumeric(N, n_samples, n_warmup)
  A,B,C = initialize_cunumeric(N)

  start_time = nothing
  for idx in range(1, n_samples + n_warmup)
    # Don't start the timer until warm-up is done
    if idx == warmup + 1
        start_time = get_time_microseconds()
    mul!(C, A, B)
  total_time_μs = get_time_microseconds() - start_time
  mean_time_ms = total_time_μs / (n_samples * 1e3)
  gflops = total_flops(N) / (mean_time_ms * 1e6) # GFLOP is 1e9

  return mean_time_ms, gflops

n_samples = 10
n_warmup = 2

mean_time_ms, gflops = gemm_cunumeric(N, n_samples, n_warmup)

Since there is no programatic way to set the hardware configuration we must manipulate the environment variables described in Setting Hardware Configuration through shell scripts to make a weak scaling plot. These variables must be set before we launch the Julia runtime where we will run our benchmark. Therefore, I do not recommend generating scaling plots from the REPL because you would have to start and stop the REPL each time to re-configure the hardware settings. To make benchmarking easier, we provide a small shell script,, located in cuNumeric.jl/pkg/benchmark. This script will automatically set the LEGATE_CONFIG according to the passed flags and run the specified benchmark file.

The first time using this script it is important to set the memory configuration which is currently hard coded in where LEGATE_CONFIG is exported. We recommend using the memory configuration which is automatically chosen by Legate. It is also important to note that assumes the environment containing cuNumeric.jl is at the relative path .. as hardcoded in the variable CMD (this is correct if you did not move files around). If your cuNumeric.jl environment is different be sure to update the path in

We have placed the SGEMM example from above into a Julia file called sgemm.jl located in the cuNumeric.jl/pkg/benchmark directory. Your cuNumeric environment can also be set by adding the following to sgemm.jl:

using Pkg

We also added the three lines to parse our settings from the command line so that we do not have to open the file to edit the settings each time.

N = parse(Int, ARGS[1])
n_samples = parse(Int, ARGS[2])
n_warmup = parse(Int, ARGS[3])

To run the benchmark simply run the following command with your settings.

./ sgemm.jl --cpus <n-cpus> --gpus <n-gpus> <N> <n_samples> <n_warmup>

Successful completion of one run should look like:

./ sgemm.jl --cpus 1 --gpus 1 10000 10 2
Running sgemm.jl with 1 CPUs and 1 GPUs
Running: julia --project='..' sgemm.jl 10000 10 2
[ Info: Starting Legate
Legate hardware configuration: --cpus=1 --gpus=1 --omps=1 --ompthreads=3 --utility=2 --sysmem=256 --numamem=19029 --fbmem=7569 --zcmem=128 --regmem=0
[ Info: Started Legate successfully
[ Info: Running MATMUL benchmark on 10000x10000 matricies for 10 iterations, 2 warmups
cuNumeric Mean Run Time: 310.1302 ms
cuNumeric FLOPS: 6448.581918175012 GFLOPS
[ Info: Cleaning Up Legate

To generate a weak scaling plot, you must increment the problem size in proportion to the number of GPUs. This helps reveal any communication overhead in our SGEMM implementation since data may be transfered between GPUs or even across nodes in a server.