# found in examples/daxpy.jl
using cuNumeric
arr = cuNumeric.rand(NDArray, 20)
α = 1.32
b = 2.0
arr2 = α*arr + b
arr2[:] # disp array
Monte-Carlo Integration
Most integrals can be estimated with a basic Monte-Carlo estimator:
\[\hat{I}_N = \frac{\Omega}{N}\sum_{i=1}^Nf(x_i)\]
where N
is the number of samples, $\Omega$ is the volume of the domain and $x_i$ are sampled indpendently and uniformly at random from the domain. This estimator is guranteed to converge (subject to some minor constraints) at a rate independent of the dimension and is embaressingly parallel to compute!
In the example below, we estimate the integral:
\[I = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-x^2}.\]
Since we cannot uniformly sample form negative to positive infinity, we truncate the domain between -5 and 5. This is ok since the integrand exponentially decays and we won't be off by much in the end.
# found in examples/integrate.jl
using cuNumeric
integrand = (x) -> exp(-square(x))
N = 1_000_000
x_max = 5.0
domain = [-x_max, x_max]
Ω = domain[2] - domain[1]
samples = Ω*cuNumeric.rand(NDArray, N) - x_max
estimate = (Ω/N) * sum(integrand(samples))
println("Monte-Carlo Estimate: $(estimate[1])")
println("Analytical: $(sqrt(pi))")
Gray Scott Reaction Diffusion
# found in examples/gray-scott.jl
using cuNumeric
using Plots
struct Params
function Params(dx=1, c_u=1.0, c_v=0.3, f=0.03, k=0.06)
new(dx, dx/5, c_u, c_v, f, k)
function step(u, v, u_new, v_new, args::Params)
# calculate F_u and F_v functions
# currently we don't have NDArray^x working yet.
F_u = ((-u[2:end-1, 2:end-1].*(v[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .* v[2:end-1, 2:end-1])) +
args.f*(1 .- u[2:end-1, 2:end-1]))
F_v = ((u[2:end-1, 2:end-1].*(v[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .* v[2:end-1, 2:end-1])) -
(args.f+args.k)*v[2:end-1, 2:end-1])
# 2-D Laplacian of f using array slicing, excluding boundaries
# For an N x N array f, f_lap is the Nend x Nend array in the "middle"
u_lap = ((u[3:end, 2:end-1] - 2*u[2:end-1, 2:end-1] + u[1:end-2, 2:end-1]) ./ args.dx^2
+ (u[2:end-1, 3:end] - 2*u[2:end-1, 2:end-1] + u[2:end-1, 1:end-2]) ./ args.dx^2)
v_lap = ((v[3:end, 2:end-1] - 2*v[2:end-1, 2:end-1] + v[1:end-2, 2:end-1]) ./ args.dx^2
+ (v[2:end-1, 3:end] - 2*v[2:end-1, 2:end-1] + v[2:end-1, 1:end-2]) ./ args.dx^2)
# Forward-Euler time step for all points except the boundaries
u_new[2:end-1, 2:end-1] = ((args.c_u * u_lap) + F_u) * args.dt + u[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
v_new[2:end-1, 2:end-1] = ((args.c_v * v_lap) + F_v) * args.dt + v[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
# Apply periodic boundary conditions
u_new[:,1] = u[:,end-1]
u_new[:,end] = u[:,2]
u_new[1,:] = u[end-1,:]
u_new[end,:] = u[2,:]
v_new[:,1] = v[:,end-1]
v_new[:,end] = v[:,2]
v_new[1,:] = v[end-1,:]
v_new[end,:] = v[2,:]
function gray_scott()
anim = Animation()
N = 100
dims = (N, N)
FT = Float64
args = Params()
n_steps = 20000 # number of steps to take
frame_interval = 200 # steps to take between making plots
u = cuNumeric.ones(dims)
v = cuNumeric.zeros(dims)
u_new = cuNumeric.zeros(dims)
v_new = cuNumeric.zeros(dims)
u[1:15,1:15] = rand(FT, (15,15))
v[1:15,1:15] = rand(FT, (15,15))
for n in 1:n_steps
step(u, v, u_new, v_new, args)
# update u and v
# this doesn't copy, this switching references
u, u_new = u_new, u
v, v_new = v_new, v
if n%frame_interval == 0
# plot
u_cpu = u[:, :]
heatmap(u_cpu, clims=(0, 1))
gif(anim, "gray-scott.gif", fps=10)